Saturday, July 9, 2011

Heading Home Due to Technical Difficulties!

I got word yesterday that Tango's safety department has misplaced a couple of weeks worth of my logs, and that I had not sent any logs in for the entire month of June. The missing logs were sent in at least a couple of weeks ago, and the remainder were sent to the office on Thursday of this week. I went ahead and faxed in copies of the ones I had mailed the day before. After doing so they informed me that I could legally finish out the load that I wad hauling, but could not be dispatched on another load until they had the originals in their hands. In otherwords, sometime between Monday and wednsday I might get another load IF they find the logs THEY mislaced and receive the ones that I had mailed and faxed. So, I am heading home to wait for them to send me my next dispatch.
I realize I messed up by letting my logs get a couple of weeks behind, but the lost logs are a different story. I also think that this could have been overlooked until Monday morning instead of on a Friday with no chance of me fixing it until the following week.
I'll fill you in on the details of what happens next. Have a great weekend!

This blog is an attempt to give real information about my experiences at Tango Transport, whether it be good or bad. This blog was started on day one of my employment here. Go back and read over the past few months before you decide that Tango is the place for you. If you decide to come to work for Tango, and my experiences have helped influence you, please put my name down as the one who referred you. Feel free to call me with questions. My number is 337-789-7925, or you can call Paula in recruiting at 318-683-6694. Come join the team!

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Torah Portion Vayetze with Prophets and Gospels Tree of Life Version

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