Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Let Go of Your Day Before Tomorrow Comes!

When a day has passed in life, be done with it. It is important to live in each day as it comes, to the best of our ability, so that even when our mind attempts to wander and re-live the past, we know that there was no more that could be done for we gave everything we could have given in every moment.

Don't worry, just as you have made mistakes in the past, so will you in the future. Being perfect is one trait that no man can ever acquire. Instead of aiming to be perfect, we should instead aim to commit actions everyday that will help to tell the world who we really are. Be grateful and humble for every new day that you are given, and remember that after each day is over physically; it should also be over in your mind as much as it possibly can.

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Torah Portion Vayetze with Prophets and Gospels Tree of Life Version

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