Monday, June 17, 2019

The Sheep and the Wolves

Sheep are initially threatened by the presence of a wolf, but will acclimate to him rather quickly if he is not immediately aggressive. It's only when he attacks do they begin to feel afraid, and by then it's too late.
The wolf never can see why he is considered a threat. He is simply running on selfish fullfilnent of his own needs...the flesh of sheep. The shepherd is there to protect the sheep from the wolf. In so doing the wolf will not understand the shepherd's actions, and the sheep will look at him bewilderingly.
This is why so many pastors (shepherds) do nothing. It's probably the most difficult thing for a pastor to do.

Torah Portion Vayetze with Prophets and Gospels Tree of Life Version

VAYETZE TORAH  : GENESIS 28:10-32:2 PROPHETS  : HOSEA 12:12-14:10 GOSPEL  : JOHN 1:41-51 Get your very own printed copy of The Scriptures...