Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I emptied out Monday morning in Texarkana and reloaded a couple of miles down the road to go to Shreveport, LA. Emptied out, loaded in Mansfield then headed home to get my restart.
3385 miles for the week. This week may be less because I'm taking my time off in the middle of the week.
Btw, I'll be buying a truck soon, leasing on with Tango so the nature of this blog may change a little. Thanks y'all.


  1. Congrats on buying your own rig. Be careful on the road and tell your folks I said hello.

  2. Thank you Mollye, and I will tell them you said hello.


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Torah Portion Vayetze with Prophets and Gospels Tree of Life Version

VAYETZE TORAH  : GENESIS 28:10-32:2 PROPHETS  : HOSEA 12:12-14:10 GOSPEL  : JOHN 1:41-51 Get your very own printed copy of The Scriptures...